Monday, March 3, 2025 - 17:48

zip file broken

    the zip file for 384.4 is broken and can't be installed


    Can you be more specific

    Can you be more specific about your error?


    The zip file checks out okay on the server, and I can download it.


     $ unzip -t
        testing: istaria.exe              OK
        testing: resources/               OK
        testing: resources/DefClassMeta.def   OK
        testing: resources/ResourceMeta.def   OK
        testing: packages/                OK
        testing: packages/definitions.lzi   OK
        testing: packages/definitions.lzp   OK
        testing: packages/entities.lzi    OK
        testing: packages/entities.lzp    OK
        testing: packages/terrain.lzi     OK
        testing: packages/terrain.lzp     OK
        testing: packages/terrainlod.lzi   OK
        testing: packages/terrainlod.lzp   OK
        testing: version_info/            OK
        testing: version_info/master_file_list   OK
        testing: version_info/version.txt   OK
    No errors detected in compressed data of


    it just says that the file

    it just says that the file is corrupetd...and the only file I can even see in it is istaria.exe


    I just tried downloading it

    I just tried downloading it from another compter...same problem.  It says that it is not a valid archive.


    is there any other place I

    is there any other place I can download the file?


    I've just tried and it works

    I've just tried and it works fine also by my side.

    Looks like the browser doesn't reach the end of the download or something like that.


    Can you please make a right click on the zip file (downloaded and saved on your computer),and then tell us the size of the file on the disk ?

    Also, with what program the zip archive is opened ? 


    Will do so tonight when I

    Will do so tonight when I get home.

  wouldn't download wouldn't download correctly when I used Internet Explorer, but it downloaded perfectly using Chrome.  Go Fig.