Friday, March 14, 2025 - 14:47

Game will not start in Windows 7

    Modified by on Monday, January 24, 2011 - 15:23

    I've just installed the alpha client, followed the instructions on the download page for 384.4 in terms of changing pref files, and when I start up Istaria.exe I see the standard small launcher window, then it opens the full-size game window (solid black) and then closes the game completely. 


    I enabled logs, and have attached my log file below. 


    I'm running the following:


    Windows 7 Professional 64-Bit

    Intel Core2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz

    4GB RAM 

    DirectX 11 


    Any idea what might be going on?


    Edited to add: Didn't attach the log file for some reason.

     Here's the last few lines, if that helps:


     STAT dprintf [[01/24/11 19:13:14] ] 20.00 FPS

    DEBUG TUIManager::LoadUILocal Initial Layout Size  1600.00  838.00

    DEBUG TUIManager::LoadUILocal UI Window Loading - RenderWindow

    DEBUG THorizonsUIRenderWindow::InitInstanceProps InCharCreation = 0   freeformRenderWindow = 1  bResized = 0

    DEBUG THorizonsUIRenderWindow::InitInstanceProps Forcing FULL SCREEN

    DEBUG TUIManager::LoadUILocal UI Window Initialized - RenderWindow

    DEBUG TUIManager::LoadUILocal UI Window Loading - CompassWindow

    DEBUG TUIManager::GetTextVertArray Growing VertArray Pool(16) by 128

    DEBUG TUIManager::LoadUILocal UI Window Initialized - CompassWindow

    DEBUG TUIManager::LoadUILocal UI Window Loading - TimeWindow

    DEBUG TUIManager::LoadUILocal UI Window Initialized - TimeWindow

    DEBUG TUIManager::LoadUILocal UI Window Loading - HotkeyWindow

    DEBUG TUIManager::LoadUILocal UI Window Initialized - HotkeyWindow

    DEBUG TUIManager::LoadUILocal UI Window Loading - TargetWindow

    DEBUG TUIManager::LoadUILocal UI Window Initialized - TargetWindow

    DEBUG TUIManager::LoadUILocal UI Window Loading - ChatWindow

    DEBUG THorizonsUIChatWindow::InitInstanceProps setActiveChat(TRUE)

    DEBUG TUIManager::LoadUILocal UI Window Initialized - ChatWindow

    DEBUG TUIManager::LoadUILocal UI Window Loading - SelfStatusWindow

    DEBUG TUIManager::LoadUILocal UI Window Initialized - SelfStatusWindow

    STAT dprintf [[01/24/11 19:13:15] ] 20.00 FPS

    DEBUG TUIManager::GetTextVertArray Growing VertArray Pool(16) by 64

    DEBUG TUIManager::GetTextVertArray Growing VertArray Pool(16) by 64

    DEBUG TUIManager::LoadUILocal UI Window Loading - HotkeyWindow

    DEBUG TUIManager::LoadUILocal UI Window Initialized - HotkeyWindow

    DEBUG TUIManager::GetTextVertArray Growing VertArray Pool(96) by 128

    DEBUG TUIManager::LoadUILocal UI Window Loading - InventoryWindow

    DEBUG TUIManager::LoadUILocal UI Window Initialized - InventoryWindow

    DEBUG TUIManager::GetTextVertArray Growing VertArray Pool(16) by 64

    DEBUG TUIManager::LoadUILocal UI Window Loading - HotkeyWindow

    DEBUG TUIManager::LoadUILocal UI Window Initialized - HotkeyWindow

    DEBUG TUIManager::LoadUILocal UI Window Loading - GroupWindow

    DEBUG TUIManager::LoadUILocal UI Window Initialized - GroupWindow

    DEBUG TUIManager::LoadUILocal UI Window Loading - MapWindow

    DEBUG THorizonsUIMapViewControl::LoadMapMarkers Loading Map Marker Prefs from - prefs\chaos_Atrinoch\UIMapMarkers.def


    Not many clues there :/ Hum

    Not many clues there :/

    Hum just to be sure, the world cache has been cleaned ? :( 


    Hello there - yes, my client

    Hello there - yes, my client was originally set up to clear world cache on startup; is there a particular pref I can set that will ensure it's always cleared?


    Rename (and copy somewhere

    Rename (and copy somewhere else) your world_cache folder. (<Istaria's_root_folder>/world_cache/*)


    The game should then create a new one, empty.


    If you want to switch back to the current live client, simply restore the world cache folder


    I'm not sure that the world cache is the reason, but it I think it's interesting to try this first :)


    Moving the world cache and

    Moving the world cache and forcing a new one to be built didn't do any good.


    Here's the MAURA error log file:


    crash_log::open_maura(): Successfully started crash log at 01.28.2011 18:38:23.388.

    crash_log::on_crash(): Exception caught from thread 0x00000348 (840) on 01.28.2011 18:38:32.823.


      /     \

     /       \

     | R.I.P.|

     |       |

     |       |



    The ACCESS_VIOLATION hits! The ACCESS_VIOLATION hits! You die.


    c0000005h (ACCESS_VIOLATION)

    The thread tried to read from the virtual address 0x00002A08 for which it does not have the appropriate access.


    You died in...








    SS:ESP=002B:0018CFC0   EBP=0018CFD4

    DS=002B   ES=002B   FS=0053   GS=002B




    7751598E  0018CFD4  EtwGetTraceEnableFlags+1AEh


    765BAAD6  0018CFE0  _ftol2_sse_excpt+18D1Bh


    76592310  0018D018  ftell+26h


    00CFF13C  0018D084  ?internalQuickSort@?$igTDataList@PAVInternalLightObj@Gfx@Gap@@@Core@Gap@@AAEXHH@Z+1403Ch


    00CD5CD0  00CD5CC0  ?setDecalOffset@igDx8DecalExt@Gfx@Gap@@UAEXI@Z+50h


    909000D6  813025FF  (unknown)




    crash_log::on_crash(): Successfully finish maura, and start minidump


    crash_log::on_crash(): Successfully finish minidump


    crash_log::finish(): Terminating the process.


    SetUnhandledExceptionFilter to be old filter.



    Did you receive any support

    Did you receive any support about this issue yet ?