Modified by on Wednesday, March 16, 2011 - 06:11
Wed, 03/16/2011 - 05:57 — Fridlekh
MD5sum: ef898e17af5e8a60822a804a988baaf9
SHA1sum: e3623ebbfe1fe9d60bf2ba4f0bf6a324dce73f82
- Fix a memory leak when loading files from packages.
- Fix another null pointer exception (crash) in the clutter code.
- Stop trying to fade in objects on load. It never worked, but did add a delay equal to the fade-in time in actually showing the object.
- Properly limit to 60 FPS, there was code there already, but didn't work.(When the prev frame took less than 16.67 ms it only slept 1 ms, instead of 16.67-lastFrameTime)
Patch up to blight, unzip to the root istaria dir, launch with patcher options set to skip patching.
This zip contains the complete (I think) terrain package, which should help speed up porting. You need to keep your definitions and entities packages from 384.7 as the included master file list still lacks those entries.
Discuss problems with this build in the 384.8 forum
@_@ Japaaaaan -- wait, what was I doing, oh right...