Monday, March 3, 2025 - 14:16

Games up

    am in game Yay Smile


    From the community site

    Recent update posted on the community site.

    MESSAGE POSTED 9:00 PM EDT - 7-17-07
    Please be advised the Horizons game is operational. Players must use the Horizons Launcher to access the game, access via the website is not possible.

    The Horizons related websites, including the community and forums sites are not functional. The and sites will display, but will not display properly.

    Website repairs will not be completed until Wednesday 7-18-07.

    Horizons game maintenance remains scheduled for Wednesday at its normal time....

    Thank you for your understanding,

    The Horizons Team


    Very glad to hear

    Very glad to hear that...


    I really wan't expecting it to come back up this time.  I'm delighted to have been wrong!  Laughing



    Praise Drulkar!


    I am soooo glad to be wrong!

    Oh yes!  Oh Yes!



    Now, to go try getting on :)


    *scampers away rejoicing*


    So happy!

    soo very happy!!!

    Wtg Horizons team

    and thanks members of for keeping the forms updated

    been playing but now is under

    weekly maintence.. *sighs* all well

    better than nothing at all


    hope to see u all there

    ~. Agua

    ~~~ Timeless guild



    Well I am glad the game is not dead yet and I was mistaken! Laughing