Monday, March 3, 2025 - 15:35

Where are you now?

    So what do my Unity friends play now?


    I personally play Vanguard, it's not like Horizons, but ... "almost".


    Currently residing on...

    Currently residing on... Chaos :)


    beached in


    Still waiting for a wonder ...


    Started a new life on Chaos

    Started a new life on Chaos. My dragon just reached her adulthood about two days ago. :D
    ..hehe, I just love this game too much. ^^


    Heroes of Unity

    I now live on Unity, have been for nearly a year and a half now.


    Part of one of the unity guilds on Chaos called "heroes of unity". We seem to be very active at the moment when i logged in earlier today there were 14 guild members online.


    We have a "Old unity players" chat channel that many of the guild members sit in and some of ex-unity players in timeless guild.


    However we are happy to invite any unity 'refugees" that would like to start a new life on Chaos, Send either myself, Shulahravauker or Rougee a tell in game.





    Hi Tako Me and Findae

    Hi Tako

    Me and Findae dragged Lov and Flameus over to LotRO .

    Takes us bit busy till the Dragons probably awake again ^^. 


    same old, same old

    Still playing Horizons, now in the realm of Chaos, and just as happy as I was before Unity closed ^^ I don't see myself ever switching to another game because if I can't play as a dragon..... well what is the point.