Monday, March 3, 2025 - 06:11

is HZ down AGAIN??

    this is really becoming a problem... i can't log in on either computer with website or launcher. keeps asking me to redownload the patcher.


    Looks like what ever the

    Looks like what ever the problem was may be resolved now, launcher and website is working again.


    (Hope I havent spoke too soon :P)




    glad that wasn't long...

    did you also have a problem logging in for a bit, though?
    it's working fine for me now, too.


    Down again

    I still cant login, is there any definitive method or link that enables someone to check if game is down or its their own computer at fault?



    Can you describe the trouble you're having?


    What process are you gonig through to log in?  Start from the desktop and list the steps you take and any error messages that pop up. 


    Snarl's Problem

    snarlfangs:Is anyone around that can tell me if Hz is up or not?
    24-07-07 @ 19:09:21 says at 02:00 it was working, not sure what time zone that was in
    24-07-07 @ 19:34:45
    snarlfangs:Mattrek, do you know if HZ is online?
    24-07-07 @ 20:00:55
    24-07-07 @ 21:06:33
    Ahael:Hz works for me fine, I logged in to Chaos a few mins ago.
    24-07-07 @ 21:07:24
    snarlfangs:Phew, ty for your reply, least I know if it is up, I can start looking at my end ty:)
    24-07-07 @ 21:10:30
    snarlfangs:Still no joy this end :(
    24-07-07 @ 21:11:14
    Chasing:finally got back on this chat channel, hiya snarl
    24-07-07 @ 21:11:49
    Chasing:okay lets see if we can get you ingame, you account is working cos disinter has been logging in snarl
    24-07-07 @ 21:11:51
    snarlfangs:Hi chas, is Hz down again or is it my end?
    24-07-07 @ 21:12:28
    snarlfangs:well at least hes doing alright:)
    24-07-07 @ 21:12:58
    Chasing:can you access the website?
    24-07-07 @ 21:14:00
    snarlfangs:Saw your entry on, can only get on, not community or play from website or launvher
    24-07-07 @ 21:14:15
    24-07-07 @ 21:14:38
    Chasing:okay do you know how to open MSDOS? i need you to type a command into there
    24-07-07 @ 21:15:15
    24-07-07 @ 21:15:21
    Scura:did you try x?c=US ?
    24-07-07 @ 21:15:35
    Chasing:does it come back with connection times or does it time out?
    24-07-07 @ 21:16:23
    snarlfangs:just clicking on launcher first to see message
    24-07-07 @ 21:16:49
    snarlfangs:is msdos accessible by run command
    24-07-07 @ 21:17:09
    Chasing:yes type command into run command
    24-07-07 @ 21:18:07
    snarlfangs:launcher says could not determine if out of date, error code: undrlying connection lost:unable to connect to remote server
    24-07-07 @ 21:18:23
    snarlfangs:command msdos?
    24-07-07 @ 21:19:16
    Chasing:in the run command type "command", that opens MSDOS screen, then type "ping"
    24-07-07 @ 21:19:35
    snarlfangs:now in command window
    24-07-07 @ 21:20:24
    snarlfangs:says pinging, request timed out
    24-07-07 @ 21:21:31
    Chasing:okay you have a network issue either on your computer or isp that is preventing connection to the site
    24-07-07 @ 21:22:07
    Chasing:try to ping the google website as a test "ping"
    24-07-07 @ 21:23:06
    snarlfangs:hmm changed nothing, worth restarting computer and google responds
    24-07-07 @ 21:23:47
    snarlfangs:I`ve also deactivated firewall to see if that was blocking
    24-07-07 @ 21:24:10
    Chasing:okay try the 2 pings again
    24-07-07 @ 21:24:50
    snarlfangs:ping who google?
    24-07-07 @ 21:25:52
    Chasing:if you have restarted ping google again and if google ping returns a time then ping the again
    24-07-07 @ 21:27:20
    snarlfangs:going for restart back soon
    24-07-07 @ 21:27:47
    24-07-07 @ 21:30:44
    snarlfangs:tried launcher still saying underlying connection was lost, gonna ping again
    24-07-07 @ 21:31:02
    24-07-07 @ 21:32:28
    snarlfangs:request timed out repeated 4 times
    24-07-07 @ 21:32:59
    snarlfangs:4 packets sent, received 0, lost 4
    24-07-07 @ 21:33:01
    Chasing:try "ping"
    24-07-07 @ 21:34:02
    snarlfangs:ok no loss
    24-07-07 @ 21:35:01
    Chasing:kk ahael is right problem with .com sites, suggests at ISP
    24-07-07 @ 21:35:42
    Chasing:who is your internet service provider?
    24-07-07 @ 21:35:48
    snarlfangs:Meaning in laymans terms?..tiscali screwed up?
    24-07-07 @ 21:36:18
    Chasing:i think so, you will need to phone them
    24-07-07 @ 21:37:25
    snarlfangs:ok so how do i explain that i can log onto internet, but theres sites i cant log on to?
    24-07-07 @ 21:37:42
    Chasing:tell them you have an unfirewalled internet connection and can access and .eu sites but cannot access .com sites, tried a network ping to and it failed but works for
    24-07-07 @ 21:38:04
    Chasing:they need to investigate from that
    24-07-07 @ 21:38:14
    snarlfangs:i can log onto but cant goto community or play game?
    24-07-07 @ 21:39:03
    Chasing:hmm okay try something else then, in the MSDOS screen type "tracert"
    24-07-07 @ 21:39:11
    snarlfangs:Pinging worked though
    24-07-07 @ 21:40:24
    Chasing:okay need tracert results pls
    24-07-07 @ 21:41:57
    snarlfangs:hmm 15 items so far. its hit step 13 request timed out
    24-07-07 @ 21:42:16
    Chasing:can you give me the IP before it times out please
    24-07-07 @ 21:42:20
    snarlfangs:how do i stop it trying?
    24-07-07 @ 21:42:44
    Chasing:will stop after 30 goes
    24-07-07 @ 21:43:25
    snarlfangs:ok on 25 at the mo
    24-07-07 @ 21:43:51
    Chasing:can you give me the IP address from step 12 so i cn investigate it
    24-07-07 @ 21:46:03
    snarlfangs:12 184 ms 181 ms 178 ms tge1-1.fr4.phx3.11nw .net [] if that makes sense:)
    24-07-07 @ 21:46:20
    24-07-07 @ 21:46:29
    snarlfangs:trace complete
    24-07-07 @ 21:47:42
    Limelight Networks
    24-07-07 @ 21:48:28
    Chasing:its failing to connect at a limelight server based in Pheonix in US, problem is a "routing" problem at their end
    24-07-07 @ 21:48:45
    snarlfangs:that is the last entry before i get request timed out
    24-07-07 @ 21:48:58
    snarlfangs:But you can connect?
    24-07-07 @ 21:50:04
    snarlfangs:If your uk based i thought we`d go in same routing path?
    24-07-07 @ 21:52:06
    Chasing:i use a different ISP, but i am not sure who is responsible for internet routing, Ahael suggests that it is an "upstream provider" that sells banwidth to your ISP so therefore looks like the problem my lie at the ISP
    24-07-07 @ 21:53:04
    snarlfangs:theres 6 entries leading upto request timed out all referring to, which i assume might be limelight network?
    24-07-07 @ 21:53:06
    Chasing:I would suggest next step is to contact ISP and say you are having problems connecting to a website that you know other ppl on different ISP can connect (login site) and you need help connecting and you need them to check
    24-07-07 @ 21:53:14
    Chasing:the routing on their side
    24-07-07 @ 21:54:32
    snarlfangs:ok chas will have a go, might be sometime before online again then, probably get a non UK helpline:(
    24-07-07 @ 21:55:41
    snarlfangs:funny how it decides to go down today
    24-07-07 @ 21:56:17
    Chasing:okay good luck
    24-07-07 @ 23:39:50
    snarlfangs:Oh well palmed off the "technical help" didnt have a clue waht i was on about or any idea what to do, lets hope email to technical support better, if not will be a long time until on again:(
    24-07-07 @ 23:41:03
    snarlfangs:But saved all the trace info to baffle them with:)
    25-07-07 @ 08:03:36
    Chasing:off to work for the day but i hope you get a reply from the ISP today - the trace info should make sense to someone there