Monday, March 3, 2025 - 15:39

Stepping off the cliff...

    Modified by on Thursday, August 9, 2007 - 20:22

    [edit:  Moved from "General" to "Other Realms"] 


    well, i have recently been planning a move back to Virginia (live in AZ currently). when i told my scheduling manager of this and that i would be putting in my two weeks notice soon, she decided to schedule me seven days on, two days off, for the rest of the month. i decided not to play that game and handed in eight days notice when i got to work today (IE: my last day would be friday the 17th) and she responded by undercutting me and saying i could just go today. She put in that i gave two weeks notice (so if i find myself seeking employment with Walgreens in the future i can be re-hired) and i left.

    kinda in a state of confusion atm. on the one hand i am immensely relieved to no longer work at Walgreens, but i feel kind of like Wyl-e-Coyte after stepping off a cliff, just hanging there waiting for gravity to take effect...


    What are you waiting for?

    Move!  The sooner you get over there, the sooner you can start looking for employment.


    Going (back?) to college may be an option, depending on what kind of financial aid you can get.  It's easier for college students to get jobs too. 


    the move is not far off

    the move is not far off now.  college is something that i do not have much interest in.  

    as far as college goes..... this has been a long fight for me, but my final conclusion is this: why would i wan't to spend tens of thousands of dollars that i don't have, taking four more years of classes i've spent twelve in already, just to take one or two classes on something i am already profficient at, just to get a piece of paper saying i did it?



    In general, jobs requiring a bachelor's degree pay more than ones that only require a high school diploma.  Jobs requiring a master's degree pay more than ones that only require a bachelor's degree.  I'm not going to think about a PHD -- those people are just weird. :p


    Debt.  If you're a US citizen, you're eligible for federal student aid.  There is an application for it (FAFSA).  There are also loans and grants provided through the college that accepts you.  You may get lucky and get mostly grants, which don't have to be paid back.  See what kind of deals you can work out with the college's financial advisor and don't be afraid to ask multiple colleges.  This isn't dating, you can ask more than one at the same time.


    Employment.  It's a little easier to get work as a student.  There are on-campus jobs that are exclusively student positions.  There are also ties with companies who offer intern positions.  The college career center can help you get in to one of those.  Becoming an intern is a possible path to becoming a career employee.


    Mindset and experience.  You will think differently after going to college.  No, it isn't from all the beer. :p It's from being exposed to a wider variety of viewpoints than what you'd get in high school or mainstream media.  You'll also learn skills such as time management and playing 'the game'.  Think of it as a testing ground where you can see what works for you and what doesn't.  If you screw up, well, you take a class or two over again.  It's not like the real world, where you end up without a job.


    That being said, college isn't for everyone.  If you don't like having to use your brain and think for yourself, you'll do poorly in college as well as in the job opportunities opened up by getting a degree.