Sunday, February 16, 2025 - 02:09

Blight is back!

    well, i may have not been a blight player (having joined up just this may, there was no blight)  but i noticed this hasn't been posted here yet, so here we go.



    blight is back 



    I'm lagging around in there now... more like standing around.  Not enough texture mem to share between two clients.  :/



    omigod are you

    omigod are you serious!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!  Thats wonderful news! *goes to get on her blight toons when she gets back*


    well, i am unable to log in

    but apparently many old blighties have logged in and found everything as it was left.  i am looking forward to getting on and visiting my plot, then taking a tour of my fave haunts.......then getting back to work making expert in the metalcrafts......

    i will be so uber!!



    You need to use the website login.  I've had nothing but trouble ('unable to find shard' and 'authentication server not found') using the standalone patcher.