Saturday, July 27, 2024 - 03:44

Way to Get on Horizons..(updated)

    Modified by on Tuesday, July 17, 2007 - 16:02




    there were bad storms

    the horizons team is working on it

    no worries

    keep them in ur prayers

    Thank you ~~~








    i am not sure if this will still work but it worked last night

    havnt had a chance by my horizons comp today..

    but this is what i did


    went to my computer

    local disk (C:)

    Program Files

    Tugula Games


    then down in there next to the Horizons sign (dragon icon) thing

    there is another icon with a flag that says HorizonsLauncher

    click it then the launcher should come up

    u type in ur email and password then agree and

    select ur character.. and then click play horizons


    i cant remember but some one else posted this on the site..

    so give credit to them not me.. but i cant find where they put it


    Good luck i hope it works

    See you on HZ


    Agua Rush

    of Timeless


    lol and your just starting

    lol and your just starting rop >.<  your gonna hit like 200 by end of it arent you >.< 



    hehehehe *gives evil grin*

    more like 300 lol!!!



    lol im gonna get fraps

    lol im gonna get fraps working then im gonna make videos! along with pictures haha  beat that


    O.O i want

    i want to make videos!

    tell me how :DD


    well first you have to get

    well first you have to get fraps working lol and then during the game you can just record with a button works really good lol



    how do i get fraps..

    will it hurt my comp?


    not that i know of 

    not that i know of i think has a free trial version that records 30 seconds at a time or you can buy it or theres other methods but those arent entirely well lol good



    oh crap lol money..

    hehe i will just have sol

    record the rop

    and u can too

    if u can post some on

    youtube :D


    lol i dont know how to get

    lol i dont know how to get youtube working but id like to record it anyways  hehe itd be a nice memory  really :D


    re: Youtube

    pretty sure u have to make an account on it

    but its all free if u figure it out some time

    would love to see videos :DD


    i might try to get it

    i might try to get it working sometime i have an account i just dont know how to convert it to a type needed + i need to add music to them and stuff lol


    not a problem

    not a problem just a suggestion

    and that would be cool with music :DD



    wow i am addicted to making faces hehe


    hehe >^,,^< i like making

    hehe >^,,^< i like making faces too :D lol



    aww dragon face!




    looks like agua!!

    i love it!


    hehe lol  yay ive finally

    hehe lol  yay ive finally come up with a quote lol finally lol :D



    hehe i love it! i like mine too but its kindof origanal...


    lol yours is different mines

    lol yours is different mines sorta derived from ummm elynsynos from the symphony of ages



    Smilei still like it :D


    hehe  is such a funny

    hehe  is such a funny moment  like main character goest there after only her knowlege from books saying she like demolished the whole continent and stuff etc etc she gets there dragons completly nice and cilvilized and making fun of the author of the book that says she destroyed everything >.< lol



    sounds great..


    so what r u doing?  

    so what r u doing?



    back sorry lol was getting

    back sorry lol was getting some cantelope lol im watching vampire hunter D you?


    just watching tv

    just watching tv... lol browsing channels..

    checking the istaria site for updates.. none so far..



    aww oh well  geuss itll

    aww oh well  geuss itll take some time  oh and try if you wanna find  some shows lol its preety big youll probably find at least something lol


    *nods* *nods*




    oooo and i have a good idea

    oooo and i have a good idea for my character story a nice base lol to start with



    haha have to tell me about it when u get to a stopping point or finish it :P


    eheh ill tell you on the

    eheh ill tell you on the game when its back up lol sorry >.< feel exposed ona forum everyone can read lol



    totally understand and know what u mean :P


    lol oh well back to writing

    lol oh well back to writing