Saturday, February 8, 2025 - 09:35

Say hi!

    Modified by on Tuesday, July 17, 2007 - 20:03

    Come on and say 'Hi'. At least try to make this look lively! :p



    Hello there.


      I am Mordig/Kadith/Bolgerson in game.  I drive a truck and can't get on as much as I would like. 

    One of these days David, I am gonna win the lottery and buy the game and get you back in to fix things. First I have to actually buy a ticket tho.  :)

      Good to see you all and I do like the site.  Thanks for setting it up.


    rest assured....

    hi all and glad to be here at the end of all things........


    Hello there!   and nice to

    Hello there!


    and nice to see that some old Members of the HZ-Staff are here as well...






    Hi everyone,   Glad to see

    Hi everyone,


    Glad to see a new Forum has been made.  Sealed


    Just wanted to log in and will be more active with many comments in later posts.



    Hiya all, I'm Kelsaka from Chaos. I'm an obsessed crafter and, on the rare occasions when I'm not crafting, I like shooting arrows at things.


    I've had a bit of a break from the game but I'm back now, and its nice to see so many familiar names here. The other game I took a break from was filled with strangers when I returned!


    Now to dust off my tools and make stuff! :D


    Howdy All

    Not a big poster in general, but am addicted to the World of Horizon and like to keep up with what is going on out of as well as in game. 

    Great Job on the site.


    Hello all, just checking

    Hello all, just checking in....



    Hello everyone. Nice to see familar names here !


    *winks at Yllianna* I saw you Laughing


    Dragor here, Hail all!

    Dragor here, Hail all!



    Hi every one ! :)


    Yllianna from Order <- you can't miss me ! :p


    Nice to see you here, Zex :) 



    Annai!!!! Hellooooooo












    I started to check in, and

    I started to check in, and then the tinker phobia of appearing in public kicked in...  Embarassed


    Glad to see everyone!



    I see many familiar faces here. Most may not know me. I am with The Bane of the Aegis guild. The big purple wonder, Delight, is our fearless leader.


    I am a web designer by trade so if there is anything you need help with, just let me know. I built and maintain the site.



    Heya, Im Scura

    or also called Mandala, Sunzharan, Racazur, Chakazar, Nepha etc etc ... ^^


    Howdy Folks!

    Good to see everyone. I'm Phido aka Krystine and a bunch of other names. I'm currently leader of Faith guild on Chaos. Faith was formed from Fate and Forsaken guilds on the old Life shard.


    Hi all.  I'm formerly of

    Hi all.  I'm formerly of Chaos, Mithril Council.  I was Alladania, Chaos Shard Herald for a few months last year before the end.  I also ran around quite a bit as Ani, the puma girl and supplier of ambrosia.


    Hi everyone.  Hope you are

    Hi everyone.  Hope you are all doing well.


    Hey hey

    Hey, Mistress of Pain...errr I mean Daedra here.


    How is everyone? :D 



    Woot finally got a forum where i can actually chat with other hz addicts :)


    My name is CottenCandy (yes i'm Pink and no licking without permission :P ) i'm also known as Galixa she's my Purrrfect little kitty.


    I'm sorry to say that yes i am a Amb addict but i still haven't kicked the habbit, you can find me hanging out at the Tavern watching the fights drinking a brew :) Maybe one of these days when i get strong enough i can go without my addiction.


    Btw it is soooo Good to see so many people here. I know i'm still pretty new but wow i can't believe how many names i reconize.


    Hopefully see you all in game soon *hugs from everyones favorite treat* :)


    Well... okay...

    It said come in and say 'Hi' so... Hi.


    So many dragons on here, why is it I'm the first that's gonna say:










      grrrreetings, dear


    grrrreetings, dear community of Istaria *bows*


    It´s good to breathe the same air with youSmile




    ( former ancient Ladydragon of Unity,

    LovSkin, hatchie on Chaos)



    seriously whatever I type ends up on screen

    oh no how did this happen i am not good at computer




    Hello   Hey, how do u set a



    Hey, how do u set a picture signature here..?



    hello all im rather new to the game  really my characters name is aarazth and im a member of timeless  hope to see you all in the game ^.^



    HI I am Cute Cuddly Cirra Citty. I proside in chaos and i just started game about a month ago. Right now I am working on becoming a elemental archer and a cook I have a ways to go.


    Hello, I'm new! ^_^

    Hello, I'm new! ^_^


    Greetings to everyone

    *breathes dragon sized sigh of relief* Very happy to see a new community forming for our world.  I hope to see you all in game soon.