Saturday, February 8, 2025 - 08:15

Say hi!

    Modified by on Tuesday, July 17, 2007 - 20:03

    Come on and say 'Hi'. At least try to make this look lively! :p



    hi im leoney marvis chaos and House of Pain member

    proud to see you all here.                   Great site but need an instant chat site.


    Heya All.   Rougee

    Heya All. Cool


    Rougee here.


    Former Abbie from Unity


    Hello there

    Hello there :)

    Nice to see all of you :) 



    Wow, theres been a lot of comments added to this thread since I've last looked at it. Welcome aboard!


    Hi Just wanna say also hello


    Just wanna say also hello again 


    helloo =D

    just figured I might aswell register here too Cool Hello everyone !



    Hi! And welcome!


    Who am I to break the streak

    Who am I to break the streak of heartfelt welcomes, hellos, and dragons waking from their slumber?


    Greetings, all. I am glad to be awake once again and soaring the skies. Let not the ages that have passed since my last adventures lead you into thinking that I have grown weak or less ferocious! My wounds are healed and I am once again ready to lend claw and wing to the fight against the Withered Aegis.


    Glit'sita, all my brethren. Let those that still slumber be awakened! Now is the hour! It is time!


    Hello there :) I've read

    Hello there :)

    I've read about your Bleeding edge Client
    I'm going to test them out and provide some feedbacks


    New Guy!

    Hiya Guys! I'm new to your site here. I been playing HZ/Istaria from day one. Sorry never got into beta.


    It's been on again and off again for me with Istaria. I am on again right now and I dont think I will be leaving again anytime soon now that I can stand the lag as that was realy the only thing that I could not stand.


    It's been 2 years from my last game play and the game is much improved and alot new for me.


    I am a weekend game warroir. I work alot Monday thur Friday.


    I am also a faimly guy. Married 9 years 3 kids. Love them all.


    I dont have the time to do test builds or anything but as I play Normal live I will be more then happy to do my best to feed info to you guys to put into how to do's and data bases.


    Hope to see you guys around fly safe and have fun:)